M5STACK CORE2 320x240 (ILI9342)


 1"""M5STACK CORE2 320x240 (ILI9342)
 4from machine import Pin, SPI
 5import st7789py as st7789
 6import axp202c
 8TFA = 0
 9BFA = 0
10WIDE = 0
11TALL = 1
12SCROLL = 0      # orientation for scroll.py
13FEATHERS = 1    # orientation for feathers.py
15def config(rotation=0):
16    """Configure the M5Stack CORE2 display using a custom_init and
17        custom_rotations since the display is ili9342c. The custom_init is a
18        list of commands to send to the display during the init() metehod. The
19        list contains tuples with a bytes object, optionally followed by a
20        delay specified in ms. The first byte of the bytes object contains the
21        command to send optionally followed by data bytes.
22    """
23    custom_init = [
24        (b'\x01', None, 150),                 # soft reset
25        (b'\x11', None, 255),	              # exit sleep
26        (b'\xCB', b'\x39\x2C\x00\x34\x02', 0),  # power control A
27        (b'\xCF', b'\x00\xC1\x30', 0),		  # power control B
28        (b'\xE8', b'\x85\x00\x78', 0),		  # driver timing control A
29        (b'\xEA', b'\x00\x00', 0),			  # driver timing control B
30        (b'\xED', b'\x64\x03\x12\x81', 0),	  # power on sequence control
31        (b'\xF7', b'\x20', 0),			      # pump ratio control
32        (b'\xC0', b'\x23', 0),			      # power control,VRH[5:0]
33        (b'\xC1', b'\x10', 0),			      # Power control,SAP[2:0];BT[3:0]
34        (b'\xC5', b'\x3E\x28', 0),			  # vcm control
35        (b'\xC7', b'\x86', 0),			      # vcm control 2
36        (b'\x3A', b'\x55', 0),			      # pixel format
37        (b'\x36', b'\x00', 0),			      # madctl
38        (b'\x21', None, 0),			          # inversion on
39        (b'\xB1', b'\x00\x18', 0),			  # frameration control,normal mode full colours
40        (b'\xB6', b'\x08\x82\x27', 0),		  # display function control
41        (b'\xF2', b'\x00', 0),			      # 3gamma function disable
42        (b'\x26', b'\x01', 0),			      # gamma curve selected
43        # set positive gamma correction
44        (b'\xE0', b'\x0F\x31\x2B\x0C\x0E\x08\x4E\xF1\x37\x07\x10\x03\x0E\x09\x00', 0),
45        # set negative gamma correction
46        (b'\xE1', b'\x00\x0E\x14\x03\x11\x07\x31\xC1\x48\x08\x0F\x0C\x31\x36\x0F', 0),
47        (b'\x29', None, 100),                  # display on
48    ]
50    custom_rotations = [
51        (0x08, 320, 240, 0, 0, False),
52        (0x68, 240, 320, 0, 0, False),
53        (0xc8, 320, 240, 0, 0, False),
54        (0xa8, 240, 320, 0, 0, False),
55    ]
57    axp = axp202c.PMU(address=0x34)
58    axp.enablePower(axp202c.AXP192_LDO2)
59    # Set backlight voltage
60    axp.setDC3Voltage(3000)
62    return st7789.ST7789(
63        SPI(2, baudrate=40000000, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(23)),
64        320,
65        240,
66        cs=Pin(5, Pin.OUT),
67        dc=Pin(15, Pin.OUT),
68        custom_init=custom_init,
69        custom_rotations=custom_rotations,
70        rotation=rotation,
71        color_order=st7789.BGR)


from machine import Pin

class Buttons:

 1"""input pins for M5Stack Core2 buttons"""
 3from machine import Pin
 6class Buttons:
 7    """
 8    Buttons class for examples, modify for your device.
10    Attributes:
11        name (str): The name of the device.
12        left (Pin): The Pin object representing the left button.
13        right (Pin): The Pin object representing the right button.
14        fire (Pin): The Pin object representing the fire button.
15        thrust (Pin): The Pin object representing the thrust button.
16        hyper (Pin): The Pin object representing the hyper button.
17    """
19    def __init__(self):
20        self.name = "m5stack_core2"
21        self.left = None
22        self.right = None
23        self.fire = None
24        self.thrust = None
25        self.hyper = None