
Convert fonts from the font-bin directory of spacerace’s https://github.com/spacerace/romfont VGA and BIOS rom font repo. Optionally limiting the characters included to -first-char (-f) thru -last-char (-l).

Input can be a file or a directory containing multiple font files. If input is a directory, output must also be a directory. If input is a file, output can be a file or a directory.


# convert the IBM_VGA_8x8.bin font to a python module with 8x8 characters
text_font_converter.py romfont/font-bin/IBM_VGA_8x8.bin vga_8x8.py -f 32 -l 127
import tft_config
import vga_8x8
tft = tft_config.config(1)
tft.bitmap(vga_8x8, "Hello World!", 0, 0)


usage: text_font_converter.py [-h] [-f FIRST_CHAR] [-l LAST_CHAR] input output

Convert romfont.bin file or directory to python module(s).

positional arguments:
input                 file or directory containing binary font file(s).
output                file or directory to contain python font file(s).

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-f FIRST_CHAR, --first-char FIRST_CHAR
                        The first character code to include in the conversion (default: 0x20).
-l LAST_CHAR, --last-char LAST_CHAR
                        The last character code to include in the conversion (default: 0x7F).